Shipping Made Easy
Test kits arrive in a plain mailer bag to protect your privacy. The "from" address is:
Fulfillment Center
600 N Wolfe St
Baltimore, MD 21287

Some people do not want Violet products shipped directly to their home. If this is true for you, here are some ideas of other places you can ship to.
Ask a friend if you can ship to their house.
Ship it to a CVS. This service is run by UPS. Just find the address of a CVS with mail drop-off capability, and enter that address when you're ordering your Violet Kit.
Ship it to a Walgreens. This service is run by FedEx. Find a Walgreens here, and enter that address when you're ordering your Violet Kit.
We're working on getting test kits into schools and Amazon lockers. Stay tuned!
How Do I Ship My Completed Swabs To the Lab?
Place your sample in the envelope provided in your test kit box. The shipping for the envelope is already paid for, and it is already addressed to the lab!
Put your envelope in your mailbox and put the little flag on your mailbox up, so that the mail person knows to take the envelope with them the next time they come.
What if mail doesn't get taken from my own mailbox, or I don't have a mailbox?
Find a blue USPS mailbox to drop off in!